Although they weren't that tricky to make, they did take quite a bit of time considering I made a dozen of these. They were a lot of fun though and a big hit at the party. The kids were a bit confused eating them!
The "buns" were made from the tops that I cut off of cupcakes. The "cheese" was made from fondant. It was probably my favorite part because I made it the exact color and thickness of sliced cheese. It looked EXACTLY like cheese! The "lettuce" was also made from fondant.
The "hamburger" is brownie. I used the bun as a guide and cut out the brownie using a fork to give it a rough edge.
The "mayo", "ketchup" and "mustard" are just buttercream frosting, as well as the "sesame seeds".
The fries were really funny too. They were made from white fondant and then I used my airbrush to spray them. They turned out a little darker than I was going for, but they were still fine.
We told the boys to come to eat and had the table set up for "dinner". They were quite confused when they saw their plate! I will definitely have to do these again...they were great fun!